Well..Just as I started this thing work turned into a bitch...and family pulled me away as well.
Lets recap shall we?
--Latest news: Lemon dismissed I posted on this earlier and it should come as no shock to anyone that he's gone. Richt did mention Lemon expressed a desire to find a path back to the team, but that will pretty much depend on whether or not he's ever enrolled at UGA again.
Honestly, I understand pressing charges against someone that roughed you up for no good reason. But, I seriously have to doubt that Lemon attacked this kid unprovoked. He must have said something possibly smarted off. And when we're talking booze, testosterone and women being involved all bets are off. Yes he made a bad decision. Should he be punished? Yes. But, I truly hope this isn't something that screws up his life, otherwise that will be the most expensive punch he'll ever throw and hopefully the last for no good reason.
I often think about a certain best friend of mine that used to find himself in altercations like this. He is an unassuming 5'11 175 lb Jack Hammer. I know in at least once instance 4 guys get dropped one punch a piece and he'd get away with it...not once caught. That's what I want to get at here, you never know what's going to happen when things escalate to fisticuffs. In this case it's a million times worse because he's a high profile person, and they will likely make an example out of him. Here's hoping for the best for Mr. Lemon and his victim.
The Winnepeg Sun has nice article up about one of my favorite UGA players: Terrence Edwards. Some may know, Edwards has found a home in the CFL where he's put up strong numbers for the Montreal Alouettes. He and his brother Robert have found new homes on the same team and are flourishing. Good for them always good to see post college Dawgs getting things done -- whether it's in the sporting arena or otherwise.
Go Dawgs!
1 year ago
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