Thursday, July 3, 2008

Feast or Famine:: The Off Season --UGA

It's like a crap shoot during the summer months for me.

For UGA: It's wondering if that last February signing will get drafted high enough in the MLB Draft to re-nig on his scholly or if that last academic hurdle can get met then theres the dreaded:: Off Season Arrest....

Which brings me to Mr. Lemon and several other cohorts as of late.

Michael Lemon is a 6'4" 230lb+ D-Lineman for one of the fiercest lines in College Football. Mr. Lemon was recently arrested for "Assault". Which in and of itself is pretty basic sounding until you dig deeper into this situation. The "Assault"description sounds like a bad episode of "When Grizzly Bears Attack". The ABH has the quote:

"...Jackson was knocked unconscious and suffered a concussion and "blowout fracture," a serious injury to the bone around the eye that might require surgery, Jackson said late Wednesday afternoon, soon after an Athens-Clarke County Magistrate Court judge signed warrants for Lemon's arrest..." (emphasis added)

The article also mentions he was hit "at least five times".

Damn.-- This kid got FUBAR'ed! And from the sound of it Lemon straight up cold-cocked this undersized and outmassed kid.

Anyway, no matter the have to keep your cool in the off season otherwise you end up like Mr. Lemon...a candidate for dismissal from the team and withdrawl of your scholarship.

So on the brightside if he does end up getting booted..another scholarship opens for someone else to take advantage of. I wish Lemon all the best, and I hope they let him stay; but it isn't looking so hot.

Regardless, I hope he gets his act together and goes on to do great things, but file this under WTF??!!


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